Getting angry: People turning weapons against themselves.

December 2010 was the corner stone of a series of political-social upheavals taking place in the international Geo-politics, beginning from the Middle-East. Starting with the Tunisian revolution, the Arab Spring had shaken the entire political-social system in Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Bahrain. Disguised in “pro-democracy” movements, this series of uplifts achieved regime change in several countries from Middle-East (Tunisia, Egypt and Libya) to South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Brazil, Ecuador and Bolivia at least), but still behind the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, Umbrella’s movement and the last upheavals demonstrations in Hong Kong, related to the “Extraditions bill” proposed by China.

Umbrellas mouvement - China - 2014

‘Astroturfing’ behind social clamor.

Identified as Astroturfing, a technical simulation of activities of a crowd in a social network, using algorithms influencing people to interact in concert without revealing their collusion with private interests. This tool intended to stage a crowd phenomena in an environment such as Facebook, Twitter and so on. It’s very efficient in influencing the perception of the users of a platform or to give more visibility to a subject, artificially fabricating its popularity. This phenomenon is applied coopting authentic citizen’s discourse on behalf of the American’s corporations’ interests is behind the social clamor used as motto of all those uplifts. It has been used as excuse to overturn the entire political social framework of the countries, opening room to Washington aligned agents for subduing other countries strategic interests.

Using ‘dark money’ to subvert countries’ political social stability is a crucial, but little-understood, part of a toolkit of techniques that have been used, with accelerating intensity, to influence major Developing countries and transition states over the last decade. Armored divisions or aircraft carriers are redundant if an adversary can secure direct influence at the national-leadership level, that’s what the USA’s linked dark money is doing in the International political system.

Non State Agents (NSA) as Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and Twitter are an open door for this political influence and it’s proven having a major effect over a changing people’s behavior changing strategy.

It acquiesces effective actions from a strategic geopolitical point of view. A great “propaganda game” aiming at the destabilization of democratic governments allowing the economic and social collapse of the countries.

Orange revolution - Ukraine 2014

A spy tool behind everything

An association between the “5 eyes” (USA, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain and Australia) using electronic surveillance to spy and study the behavior of immigrant populations, allowing better manipulation of the public opinion in locus. It happens through the study of the behaviors of immigrant populations and helps Developed countries in their process of strategic decisions make.

These countries have a very organized and structured migration’s system what gives them full access to enormous samples of people migrating from the aimed countries. Studying and understanding their migrant’s populations behavior allows them to better understand wich propaganda tools could be used according to their strategic interests.

“this is indeed a form of information warfare, initiated and nurtured by the West, which we have been witnessing for over a thousand years, a hostility naturally prolonged […]”

Guy Mettan, Creating Russofobia: From the great religious schism to anti-Putin hysteria

Arab spring in the Middle-East, the parliamentary media-made Coups d’État in Latin America and the Orange revolution in Ukraine are some examples of the powerful capabilities of these communications’ war tools.

As in the times of the cold war, they’re notably aiming in the eastern world and we can already notice the signs of its effectiveness, analyzing the last geopolitical episodes involving China, as in Taiwan and recently in Hong Kong.

“There is clearly documented evidence that protest groups are seeking and gaining support from the United States […]”

Jonathan Manthorpe, political scientist, Le Monde Diplomatic, september 2019

Each of the “5 eyes” has its own legislation that allows legitimately web-surveillance (electronic spying) within their national territories. It turns out that what is not foreseen or mentioned in the legislation is the fact that this information will be exchanged with the other partners, in a kind of large espionage network that exercises control over large migrant populations inside their respective diaspora communities. As per Carly Nyst, Head of International Advocacy at Privacy International, “There is no clear and accessible legal regime that specifies the circumstances in which, Five Eyes authorities can request access to signals intelligence from, or provide such intelligence, to another Five Eyes authority”. It is a lucrative game that gives easy and free access to a real avalanche of strategic information promoted by immigrants themselves in the process of reestablishing their professional careers during immigration processes.

Tunisian revolution - 2011

The mechanism.

“The role of digital communication has been given a lot of credit and influence in its presumed power to bring about change in society, on a local or national or global level”

Greg Simons, PhD in the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University

Employment interviews with partner companies are offered, simulating job opportunities in very strategic industries, where enormous amount of information can be obtained without the slightest effort, using only goodwill, good faith, and the interest in career progress. It makes legal migrants (who decided to try luck beyond their national borders) reveal a huge amount of important knowledge and information. This process involves unveiling strategic knowledge to try to have a well payed job opportunity, in addition to social factors such as sabotage to immigrant professionals (often rising to conditions close to the line of poverty).

Privacy invasion, home surveillance on immigrant’s populations in convergence with artificial intelligence, neurolinguistics analyses are used to understand how these populations in the international context react to the political arbitrariness.
As per Greg Simons, PhD in the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University, “The role of digital communication has been given a lot of credit and influence in its presumed power to bring about change in society, on a local or national or global level”. Private media is being used as a fundamental piece of this gear and composes with Bigdata and private industries largely funded by American private capital. These media adopt a radical bias in their content control and political discourse. Many of these media companies are involved with large scandals of bribery and currency evasion as in the Mossack Foseca’s case, where an enormous amount of companies, linked to tax evasion was discovered unveiling the biggest money laundering’s scandal of the history.
Those media corroborate to this strategy harboring and disseminating specific information obtained by the intelligence services, deepening the internal political tensions and leading to monumental economic crises. Social upheavals are created to provide access to natural resources in association with technocrat leaderships, regardless of whether the aim countries are historically partners in war or trade. A very efficient machine that allows, in an extremely short period, the polarization of the public opinion through Fascist-type propaganda, based on false news, political persecution and reputations assassinations, leading to social chaos and the consequent overthrow of authentic governments despite any legal framework.

Brazilians' demonstration in Montreal - CA - 2013 - No signs of anti-PT

Undercovering the [un]coverable

After the period of economic destabilization, a radical political spiral is set up. Alliances keep been maiden behind the scenes. Smoke curtain are set up in the medias programming. Diplomats and intelligence community staff start to dictate the political agenda and measures to be taken by those replacing local aims already defeated. A continuous process of radicalization is set in place with a clear objective: find among the “cyber-invaded” populations martyrs capable of giving their lives for a cause, and thus, increasing further the tensions. It often leads in the subjugation of the national sovereignty in several countries. A lucrative game that allows the complete expropriation of nations’ assets and natural resources under the aegis of “helping to stabilize”.

#YellowVests, more than 1 year of social engagement through NSAs

Lettre ouvert concernant le texte "Scandales politiques et corruption: un cocktail indigeste pour les Brésiliens" – Radio Canada

Eh bien, j’ai trouvé trop superficielle l’approche de la journaliste sur la question (, cela ne dérange pas de confirmer le nom même de la Fondation Getulio Vargas, un institut qui porte le nom de l’ancien président brésilien responsable de la création de Petrobras, qui, dans sa lettre, lorsque son supposé suicide a dit une fois: « Contre la justice de l’examen du salaire minimum étaient des haines déchaînées. Recherché pour créer la liberté nationale dans la mise en valeur de nos richesses par Petrobras et cela n’a même commencé à fonctionner, la vague de troubles se gonfle. Eletrobrás était sabotée au désespoir. Ils ne veulent pas que le travailleur soit libre. » Source: Il n’y a aucune preuve de l’implication de la présidente Dilma Rousseff dans les scandales de corruption de Petrobras, et ce, après plusieurs véhicules de médias avoir essayé, rien n’a pas été prouvé, quoi que ce soit, cependant, il est évident que les véhicules de communication haut de gamme au Brésil, répercussion nationale et voire internationale, sont impliqués dans des scandales majestueuses de l’évasion fiscale et l’évasion de divises (voir l’opération Zélotes de la police fédérale brésilienne = 580 milliards de dollars et le scandale HSBC Brésil = 7 milliards de dollars US) excédant de plus de vingt fois les scandales publiés concernant la Petrobras par l’opération Lava Jato, Ne s’entend mot, concernant les deux scandales en question. Surtout, ces médias, et cela inclut le Grupo Folha (Folha de São Paulo), éditeur Abril (magazine Veja) éditeurs et diffuseurs Globo (TV Globo, journal O Globo et le magazine Epoca) sont impliqués dans une nouvelle tentative de faire tomber le gouvernement vers un coup d’état (Groupe Globo et Abril ont appuyé le coup d’État militaire fasciste de 1964 au Brésil), en essayant contre les institutions démocratiques brésilien, gonflant la population dans une vague de haine contre la hausse des secteurs populistes et de gauche liés au gouvernement et la société civile. Ce que vous voyez maintenant êtes les médias ci-dessus en train d’avoir des successives défaites dans des tribunaux au Brésil, etant ordonné de payer des millions de reais (monnaie brésilienne) en indemnité pour déclaration frauduleuse et de blesser la loi électorale brésilienne, faisant des campagnes politique à faveur de l’opposition contre toutes les obligations légales inhérent aux véhicules de communication au Brésil. Il est également important de noter que le gouvernement actuel de Mme. Dilma Roussef a pensé dans la possibilité d’une régulation des médias au Brésil, donné que la loi des communication au pays reporte à la période de la dictature militaire, dont, tous les droit de presse était supprimés, aussi en raison du fait que tous véhicules de communications et les médias au Brésil ont été offris en cadeau à des amis des dictateurs pendant la période de la dictature militaire fasciste brésilienne, ce qui contredit clairement tous pricipios relatives aux médias dans le concept de démocratie. Je présente mes excuses à étirer le texte, mais il ya beaucoup plus de facteurs à prendre en compte en ce qui concerne le contexte politique actuel du Brésil, qui, depuis le début du deuxième mandat de Mme. Dilma Rousseff, en janvier 2015, a été dans la lutte sans césser contre une opposition qui essaye 24/7 un coup d’Etat et qui fait basculer et blesser les principes et règles démocratiques, en utilisant des méthodes fascistes, crachant au visage et insultants politiques comme le président de la République lors des événements publics (voir le cas de la visite d’Etat au président Barack Obahma). Il est evident que le scénario d’un coup d’Etat compte aussi avec les mêmes médias qui se posent pour faire un vrai spectacle d’horreur, appelant les gens à venir dans les rues demandant le renversement de la présidente de la République, élue avec 52 millions de votes. En plus, c’est important de souligner le rôle que certains opportunistes jouent sur les réseaux sociaux, qui recrutent, jour après jour, les analphabètes politique avec la diffusion du contenu de la haine et la calomnie contre le gouvernement ce qui visait également à renverser le gouvernement démocratiquement élu, ils sont (revoltados on-line, movimento passe livre, etc.) qui comptent sur le soutien financier de l’opposition fasciste comme le parti PSDB. Finalement, je suggère aux amis de Radio Canada, média si appréciée et respectée, certains éditoriales plus fiable dans le contexte de la politique et des réalités économique brésilienne, quel ce soit, Carta Carpital, Pagmatismo Politico et Observatorio da Imprensa et TV Carta. Voulez agréer mes salutations les plus destinguées. Un brésilien!

De volta ao acaso

Respeitado meu periodo de luto e minha dedicaçao exclusiva a um outro canal, vou retomar o editorial com textos escrito ao longo dos ultimos meses, durante o trabalho de pesquisa sobre politica internacional e historia politca do Brasil no seculo XX e XXI. Os textos trazem teor questionatorio em relaçao à atuaçao politica da direita brasileira, associado com o oligopolio da midia coronelista e conservadora, cujos interesses, desafiam a moral de qualquer sociedade moderna. Começa uma nova fase, se vem uma nova etapa. Existe uma semente que esta a caminho. Sao mudas de saber que brotam em novas e excitantes versoes. Agora quero compilar, quero as ideias em volumes.